Sunday, September 24, 2006


E: Yesterday, I made Sushi for the first time. It was not that easy as I though, I wasn't able to make the rice like in the restaurant. Next time, I need to invite my expert friend to come and do it with me, so I learn her tricks. Anyway, we ate them all and I was happy.

Vn: Hom qua, lan dau tien toi lam thu mon Sushi. Mon an do ko de nhu toi tuong, toi ko nau noi com deo nhu ngoai hang. Lan sau toi phai ru nguoi ban toi den nau cung de toi co the hoc meo nau com cua co ay. Nhung cung hay la khach cua toi an het nhung cai ma toi lam. Toi rat vui.

D: Gestern habe ich zum erstenmal Sushi gemacht. Das war nicht so einfach wie ich dachte, ich habe problem mit den Reis zu machen wie im Restaurant. Naechtes Mal muss ich mal meine Expertin- Freundin zum helfen einladen, dann lerne ich ihre Tricks. Aber trotdem, meine Gaeste haben alles aufgegessen. Das hat mich sehr gefreut.


Anonymous said...

I want to eat this sushi! You can be an expert if you make sushi everyday and if you make it, I will come to Boston to eat it too!!

Welcome to the Family Bischof site. said...

You are ore than welcome. I hope to see you this month