Saturday, September 09, 2006

Happy birthday Leo !!!

It's your birthday so make a wish
on this very special day
Wishing you much happiness
with blessings sent your way

Extending these warm wishes
for a birthday full of cheer
May it be a day of joy
as you celebrate another year

Happy Birthday!

E: Thanks alot for all the birthday cards and presents from Gaby, Oma, Opa, aunt Anke's family, Joshua, Marc, and Joseph.
We had a great time. Leo was so happy. Photos...

Vn: Cam on Gaby, ong ba noi, gia dinh co Anke Joshua, Marc va Joseph da gui thiep chuc mung sinh nhat.
Leo rat vui ve. Anh ne...

D: Vielen Dank fuer die Geburstagkarten von Gaby, Oma, Opa, tante Ankes Familie., Joshua, Marc, und Joseph.
Wir hatten eine schoene Zeit. Seht self...

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