Saturday, June 16, 2007


New home..... new blog. Check it out and have fun

Friday, June 15, 2007

Boston last post

Hi, welcome back after very long time...... I am fine, my family is ok too. It was just too much going on last month, specially last 2 weeks. And today is our last day. After today, we will be FL, go back to our house. You can't tell how excited we are, we can't wait to be home.

Anyway, it was too much going , specially over the last 2 week. Below is where we were last week: " The Woburn Hight School Art Show". And one picture from Leo and of course one from Vivien has been selected:

Leo and Vivien had a last soccer game on Sat. Vivien had 2 goals on the last game and Leo had 1 goal at on all the game. They're very proud of them self. After that, they had a bachelor party.

We had a barbecue Party on Sunday. Vivien was a big helper to prepare the all the food.

Last night, I went out for dinner with my girlfriend . And get what i got? A nice presents. It was a surprise and so thoughtful from them. I'm really appreciated that. I will missed you all. And once again, thank you so much!

And tonight, we will go out again for dinner with one of our friend. He want to learn to eat Sushi.... And today is his last chance I can show him..... we'll see.

Goodbye everyone.... goodluck with everything..... and I will see you at Florida Blog.... Stay stune!!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

White Easter

E: Do u know that we never had a White Christmas, but we have a White Easter. Check for yourself...

D: Wusstet Ihr dass wir noch nie Weisse Weihnachten hatten, dafuer hatten wir jetzt Weisse Ostern. Sehe selb...

Vn: Chung troi chua boa gio co duoc White Christmas, nhung lai co duoc nam nay vao ngay "Le Ta On". Tu xem anh nhe...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

My Wednesday

E: I spend time on Wednesday at the Chinese House in Salem with my girlfriend. More info..
After that, we did a liitle shopping like all girls like. But check the weather in the afternoon. Can you believe that? Easter is right in the corner.... I need Spring time right now...

At this time, I read the book" Snow Flower and the secret Fan". This book is very interesting. I did not finish the book yet. If you are the person who always curious bout the culture, specialy in Japan or Asian... this is the book you should read.

D: Ich war am Mittwoch mit meiner Freundin im "Chinesen Haus" in Salem. Mehr info...
Danach waren wir ein bisschen Schoppen, so wie Frauen das mögen.
Aber schaut Euch das Wetter an diesem Nachmittag an, unglaublich oder? Wir brauche jetzt die richtige Frühlingswetter zu Ostern.
Zur Zeit lese ich das Buch "Snow flower and the secret fan". Bisher ist das Buch wirklich interessant. Wenn Ihr mehr über die Kultur in Japan und Asien wissen wollt, solltet Ihr das Buch mal sehen.

Vn:Hom Thu 4, toi va mot nguoi ban gai di den bao tang "Ngoi nha Trung Quoc " de coi. Tim hieu ky hon nua...Sau do, nhu tat ca nhung nguoi phu nu khac, chung toi di luon mot vong de sam do. Hay nhin thoi tiet buoi chieu ngay hom do.
Bay gio, toi dang doc cuon sach " Snow flower and the secret Fan" Toi chua doc xong cuon truyen nay. Nhung nhung ai muon tim hieu ve phong tuc tap quan cua cac nuoc Chau A, dac biet la Nhat... hay doc cuon sach nay.

Monday, April 02, 2007

This weekend..

E: Well, this weekend is kind of busy for us. On Saturday is Vivien's first soccer meet. We went there to meet the coach, get the uniform. After that I took Vivien with me to scrapbook club while Niels and Leo spend time together at Piano lesson.
On Sunday, we went to the boat Sail in Boston... We had so much fun on a beautyful sunny day. See for yourself ...

D: Also, dieses Wochenende war sehr viel los bei uns. Samstag war Vivien zum ersten Mal beim Fußball, wir haben uns mit dem Trainer getroffen und ihre Fußballsachen abgeholt. Danach hab ich Vivien mit zum "Sammelalben-Klub" genommen, Niels und Leo waren in der Zeit beim Klavierunterricht.
Am Sonntag waren wir in Boston segeln... wir hatten an diesem sonnigen Tag viel Spaß. Seht selbst...

Vn: Cuoi tuan vua roi xay ra rat nhieu viec. Thu bay la ngay dau tien Vivien den nhan dong phuc va nhan mat huan luyen vien bong da. Sau do, toi va Vivien, chung toi di den Club choi de lam tranh anh; rong luc niels va Leo di hoc dan Piano.
Cu nht, chung toi di den choi thuyen buom o Boston.... chung toi co duoc mot ngay nang that tuyet voi. Tu xem anh nhe...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Arts day

E: Well, I have too much free time right now.... don't know what to do with myself.... weird.... I decided to a friend's house and made something. Below is what we did, and even more...

D: Also ich habe zu viel Zeit im Moment.... ich weiss nicht was ich mit mir anfangen soll.... ich besuchte eine Freudin, und wir machen was zusamen. Unten seht ihr, was dabei rausgekommen ist, und mehr....

Vn: Toi co qua nhieu thoi gian roi...... ko biet lam gi voi ban than ca.... toi quyet dinh den nha mot nguoi ban de lam mot vai thu. Duoi day la cai ma chung toi lam, con nua nay....




Monday, March 26, 2007

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Night party

E: party. We went to the bar and play Dart game and Trouble game until 3:00am in the morning..... so tired....

D: party. Wir waren in einer Bar, spielten Dart und Mensch-aerger- dich- nicht bis um 3:00 frueh...... so muede....

Vn: Chung toi di choi o bar den tan 3 gio sang.... met qua roi....

Thursday, March 15, 2007

.... more....

E: This is my new haircut.
Today, we had a trip to Jena to visit Jan, and the new Demandware office. We also took photos from Intershop tower.
After that, we drove to
Halle to see Martin. He study there. We have chance to look at the old but very nice Stadt.

D: Auf dem photos ist meine neue Frisur. Ich war mal wieder beim haare schneiden .
Wir waren heute in Jena , dort haben wir Jan, und das neue Demandware buero besucht, und photos vom Intershop Turm gemacht.
ach, sind wir nach Halle gefahren um Martin zu besuchen. Er studiert dort. Wir nutzten die gelengenheit die Altstadt anzuschauen.

VN: Buc anh tren la anh vua di cat toc ve.
Hom nay chung toi di den Jena choi. Chung toi den tham Jan, va van phong moi cua Demandware, va chup hinh tu tren toa thap Intershop.
Sau do, chung toi di den Halle, la noi Martin hoc o do. Chung toi co co hoi coi thanh pho anh ta o. Tu xem anh nhe...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Our Florida House

E: Here is a chance that everyone can look in to our house. Please klick at the "Auto Tour" on the left coner. Have fun, and here it is....

D: Endlich koennt Ihr unser Florida Haus mal anschauen. Bitte auf dem "Auto Tour" Button links oben klicken. Viele spass , und hier.....

Vn: bay gio la dip ma moi nguoi co the coi nha cua chung toi o Florida. hay an vao cho co chu "Auto Tour". Chuc moi nguoi coi vui ve, an vao day....

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

First Spring barbecue

E: We had a best weather this weekend- 15 Grad oC. We decided to use this chance to barbecue.

D: Wir haben Glueck mit dem Wetter diese Wochenende. Wir entschlossen uns zum angrillen

Vn: Tuan vua roi troi nang dep. Chung toi quyet dinh di nuong thit o vuon.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Party time...

E: Well, I just think that no words can describe how we much fun we had last night. Look for yourself here....

D: Keine Worte koennen beschreiben wieviel Spass wir letzte Nacht hatten. Aber schaut selbst hier...

Vn: Chang co tu ngu nao co the ta duoc cuoc vui cua chung toi dem qua. Tu xem anh nhe......

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Welcome back

E: Hi all, welcome back to our Blog. There're many many things that I want to tell you.....

Well, I will take 2 weeks vacation to Germany. Yesterday was my last day at Empirix. I was so sad to leave. I will miss a lot of people there. And I know someone will miss me too. I won't name names, you know who you are :) . But I also know someone will be happy that I left, I won't bother them no more.

Last 3 weeks were fun weeks for me, I had time to go skiing and snowmobile. I never done that before. That was the first time in my life. I did enjoy it. But I had a great pain after that. Anyway, the important thing is I enjoyed it.

We also bought for Leo his new Piano. Now he can play any song he want to play.

The best thing is coming right now. I had a birthday last month. I really enjoyed presents, no cakes... no candles.... but I love it...I have something I wanted for along time.....thank you so much :)

Well, it's enough for now... come back soon...

D: Hallo Ihr alle, willkommen zurueck bei unserem Blog. Da sind ganz viele Sachen die ich erzaehlen moechte.....

Also, ich werde 2 wochen Urlaub machen in Deutschland. Gestern war mein letzter Tag bei Empirix. Ich bin so traurig dass ich dort nicht mehr arbeiten kann. Ich werde viele Leute vermissen und ich weiss auch dass viele Leute mich vermissen werden. Ich sage mal nicht den Namen, du weisst wer Du bist. Aber ich weiss auch dass viele Leute froh sind dass ich weg bin.

Die letzten 3 Wochen habe ich viel Spass gehabt. Ich bin Ski und Snowmobile gefahren. Ich hatte das vorher noch nie gemacht, aber es hat mir sehr viel Spass gemacht.

Wir haben fuer Leo ein neues Klavier gekauft. Jetzt kann er mehr Songs spielen als vorher.

Ich hatte letzten Monat Geburstag. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut.... keine Geschenke....keine Kerzen.....keine Kekse.... aber ich fand dass ganz toll.... ich habe etwas bekommen was ich mir schon lange gewuenscht habe....vielen Dank!

..... so das reicht jetzt ... bis bald....

Vn: Chao moi nguoi, lau lam roi moi co dip viet Blog. Minh co rat nhieu dieu mouon ke voi moi nguoi...

Minh se di sang Duc choi 2 tuan. Hom qua la ngay cuoi cung minh lam viec tai Empirix. Minh rat buon vi phai roi cong ty. Minh se nho rat nhieu nguoi o do, va minh cung biet la se co nhieu nguoi nho minh. Nhung minh cung biet nhieu nguoi se rat vui vi minh se ko lam phien ho nua.

Ba tuan vua roi, minh duoc di choi rat vui ve. Minh di truot tuyet va di xe truot tuyet voi gia dinh va ban be.

Bon minh cung vua moi mua cho Leo chiec dan Piano moi.

Thang truoc la sinh nhat cua minh. Minh rat vui....chang co qua...chang co banh ngot...chang co nen.....nhung minh duoc thu ma minh tu lau da mong on nhieu.

Du roi....hen lan sau nhe

Monday, January 01, 2007

Presents, party....

E: Alot of parties, and presents are going on at this time:
- On
Christmas Eve, we went to our church to celebrate. Our favorite was when everyone had a candle in their hand and sang "Silent Night".
Christmas Day, we joyned our friend and his family's party. There were about 20 adult and 15 kids. It was a very nice Christmas party. We had alot of fun, and also alot of food.
After Christmas, we still received christmas postcard, and presents from friends and family. Thanks alot!! And please forgive me this year about the Chrismas cards. Every year, I handcrafted all the cards and send them out before Christmas. But this year, I was so so so busy. I had no time at all. I hope next year I will be plan my time better.
- On the Dec 29 was my hubby's birthday. We deceided to get a babysitter, so we could go out alone. That was our first time go out alone since we are in America. I love my chilrend, and I like spending time with them. But once in a while to get a babysitter like this is fell really good.
- On the Dec 30, we went our to the "Disney on Ice- 100 years of magic" show. Niels had those tickets for his birthday. Just before we wanted to get out the house to see the show, we saw our
first snow this year. It was a little late for Christmas, but we still can say we had snow for New Year.
The show was great. They had all the Disney favorite character such as: Nem
o, Incredibles, Ponochio, Aladin, Goofy,........ and of course Micky Mouse. I could not take alot of pictures from the show because I was not allow to. But more info about this show, you can find here...
- On the New Years Eve, we went to Boston to see all the light, people, and of couse the Ice-Sculptures. That was nice but we just stayed there about 2 hours- Is was too cold.
- On New Years Day, we spent at home. It was a Relax day for us. The kids has time now to try out their presents from Santa. We watched some movies. That was a great day after an action week. But a great week.

VN: Rat nhieu qua cap va tiec tung xay ra vao thoi diem nay:
- Vao
dem Noel, chung toi den nha tho. Cai ma chung toi thich nhat la khi moi nguoi cam cay nen tren tay va hat bai " Silent Night"
Ngay Noel, gia dinh toi duoc moi den du tiec Noel o nha mot nguoi ban. O do co gan 20 nguoi lon va gan 15 dua tre con. That la mot bua tiec lon. Chung toi o do rat vui va co rat nhieu do an.
-Sau Noel, gia dinh toi van con nhan duoc thiep chuc mung va qua cua ban be va gia dinh gui toi.
Cam on rat nhieu. Tha loi cho toi vi nam nay toi chang co thoi gian de gui bat ky mot la thiep giang sinh nao. Toi that su rat ban. Hi vong la nam roi toi se co gang sap sep thoi gian tot hon.
- Nagy 29- 12 la ngay sinh nhat ong xa. Chung toi thue nguoi de trong lu nho, de vo vhong toi co the di choi mot minh. Do la lan dau tien vo chong toi di choi mot minh tu khi o My. Toi yeu lu nho, nhung thinh thoangdi choi rieng nhu vay cung that vui.
- Ngay 30-12, chung toi di coi " Disney on Ice- 100 years of Magic". Niels nhan duoc may chiec ve nay trong ngay sinh nhat. Truoc khi chuan bi roi nha thi tuyet do roi. Day la lan dau tien Tuyet roi. Tuy la co cham cho dip Noel, nhung chung toi co the ke voi moi nguoi la chung toi co tuyet vao dip nam moi.
Cuoc bieu dien ma chung toi di coi that tuyet voi. Tat ca ca nhan vat trong tat ca cac phim cua Disney deu do, nhu la: Aladin, cong chua ngu trong rung, nemo, incredibles, Lion Kings, ...... va tat nhien la ca Mickey Mouse. Toi ko co chup nhieu anh, vi ko duoc phep. Nhung ban se tim thay nhieu tin tuc hon o day.....
- Vao dem 31, chung toi di den Boston de coi, o do rat nhieu den va nguoi. Chung toi cung di xem canh vat lam bang Da nua. Chung dep lam. Nhung toi chi o do co 2 tieng dong ho- vi qua lanh.
- Ngay dau nam moi, la ngay ma chung toi nghi o nha va "Relax". Tui nho co thoi gian de choi nhung mon qua cua Ong gia Noel gui cho chung. Va chung toi cung co thoi gian de coi vai bo phim. Do la mot ngay nhan nha sau mot tuan dai " Action".

D: Viele geschenke, viele Parties gibt zu dieser Zeit:
- Am Heiligabend, waren wir in der Kirche. Am schoensten war, als alle Kerzen in der Hand hielten und und "Stille Nacht" sangen.
- Am Ersten
Weinachsferiertag, waren wir bei der Familie unserer Freunde eingeladen. Das war eine ganz schoene Weihnachtsfeier. Dort war ungefaehr 20 Ewachsene und 15 Kinder. Wir haben viel Spass gehabt und auch ganz viel gegessen.
Nach Weihnachten, bekammen wir noch viele Postkarte, und Pakate von Freunden und Familien. Vielen Vielen Danke. Und bitte verzeicht mir dass ich dieses Jahr keine Postkarte geschickt haben. Normalleweise, bastele ich immer die Weihnachtkarten, und schicke diese dann vor Weihnachten los. Aber dieses Jahr, bin ich so beschaeftigt. Ich hatte gar keine Zeit mehr. Ich hoffe, naeschtes Jahr, kann ich dasbesser organizieren mit meiner Zeit.
- Am Dec 29 war Niels's geburstag, hatten wir ein Babysitter bestellt. Ein freundin hat uns diesen empfohlen. Das war das erster Mal, dass wir alleine wegegangen sind in America. Ich liebe meine Kinder, aber es ist auch mal schoen ohne Kindern alleine weg zu gehen.
-Am Dec 30, ging wir zur "Disney on Ice- 100 years of Magic". Niels bekam die Tickets zu seinem Geburstag. Wir wollten gerade los, dann es fangt an zu schneien. Das war unsere
erste Schnee. Ein bischen spaet fuer Weihnachten aber wir koennen sagen, wir hatten Chnee fuer Neue Jahr.
Die Show war fantastisch. Es waren alle Disney Charactere dabei zum Beispiel: Nemo, Lions King, Incredibles, Aladin, Pinochio, Goofy........ und natualich Micky Mouse. Ich habe nicht so viel
Fotos gemacht, weil ich nicht erlaubt war. Mehr dazu findet Ihr hier....
- Am Silvesterabend waren wir in Boston Downtown. Dort waren sehr viele Lichte und Leute. Wir haben uns auch die Eisskulpturen angeguckt. Nach 2 Stunden hatten wir genud- war so Kalt.
- Am Neujahrstag war unsere "Relax day". Die Kindern koentet Ihr Weihnacht geschenke mal richtig ausprobieren und wir haben uns paar DVD angesehen.
Das waren schoene Wocher aber auch "action"- Wocher fuer uns.