Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Great news

E: Is this a great news? Joel Osteen comes to Boston and I have a ticket! I had chance to see him in person! He is a great guy! he helps me to enjoy life with a very simple things. He helps me to get through the pain, the dificulties in life. Joel encourages me to release those negative emotions and restore everything I have lost. He helps me be a better person. Helps me enjoy my life. I can't wait to see him!

If you want to see him in person. Here is the address:
"Joel would like to see and sign your book

Noon, Friday, September 1st at:
Barnes & Noble
800 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02119 "

See you there !!!

Vn: Do co phai la tin moi tuyet voi ko? Joels Osteen den Boston va toi co da ve. Toi co co hoi nhin thay ong ta o ngoai doi. Ong ta la mot con nguoi rat tuyet. Ong ta giup toi yeu cuoc song hon tu nhung dieu rat don gian. Ong ay da giup toi trai qua nhung trac tro, kho khan trong cuoc song. Joel da khuyen khich toi giai toa nhung xuc cam tieu cuc va khoi phuc lai nhung gi toi da mat. Ong ay cung da giup toi tro thanh mot con nguoi tot hon. Giup toi yeu cuoc song nay hon. Toi ko the cho de coi ong ay ra sao!

Neu ban muon coi Joel Osteen. Day la dia chi:
"Joel rat muon gap va ky vao sach cua ban

Noon, Friday, September 1st at:
Barnes & Noble
800 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02119 "

Hen gap cac ban o do !!!

D : Sind das nicht herrliche Neuigkeiten? Joel Osteen kommt nach Boston und Ich habe ein Ticket. Ich habe die Gelegenheit, ihn zu sehen. Er ist ein grossartiger Mann. Er hilft mir, mich am Leben zu erfreuen mit sehr einfachen Dingen, Er hilft mir ueber Schmerz und Schwierigkeiten hinweg zu kommen. Joel ermutigt mich, negative Gefuehle loszuwerden und wieder zu finden, was ich verloren habe. Er hilf mir, ein besserer Mensch zu sein. Er hilf mir, mein Leben zu geniessen. Ich kann es kaum warten, ihn zu sehen.

Wenn du Ihn sehen moechtest, hier ist die addresse:

Noon, Friday, September 1st at:
Barnes & Noble
800 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02119 "

Wir sehen uns dort!!!


Anonymous said...

Was ist das für eine Sprache ? English I know, french too, deutsch natürlich, anche italiano, so please tell me what it is, I am a very curious person. By the way you shouldn't write in yellow, it's hardly readable on the white background.

Welcome to the Family Bischof site. said...

Hi Gattina, I wrote 3 languages there: English, Vietnames, and German. And also thanks for your advise