Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Play ground

E: We stopped at the playground today after Gymnastic.
You may see Part1 and Part2 (I tried out the special effect)

Vn: Chung toi dung lai o san choi sau khi di tap the duc dung cu ve.
Ban se nhin thay Phan1 va Phan2 ( Toi thu cac cach khac nhau)

D: Nach dem Turnen sind wir beim Spielplatz angehalten
Ihr koennt Teil1 und Teil2 sehen (Ich habe einen Spezialeffekt versucht)


Anonymous said...

Suzy dear, your blogs are so nice, your children so cute..your falily must be very happy with such a work. it's pleasant to visit you all, feel part of the family now!! a kiss to each one grand ma Mousie from france

Welcome to the Family Bischof site. said...

Hi Mrs Mousie, Thanks alot for visiting on my Blog. I am happy that you like us. A big kiss back to you.