Friday, November 17, 2006

My new Job

E: For the first time in 10 years, I had an interview, and I got a job.
It's not only the job I like, also the company, and also the salary.
I am so excited (!!!!!) and I can't wait to start on Monday. Wish me luck!!!
More about what I do......on Monday!

Vn: Day la lan dau tien trong 10 nam toi di phong van de lam viec. Toi that su rat vui, ko nhung vui vi co viec lam, ko nhung vi cong ty, con vui vi ho tra luong rat thoa dang.Toi ko doi noi den Thu 2 de di lam. Hay chuc mung cho toi!!!
Muon biet viec toi lam.....thu 2 nhe!

D: Seit langer Zeit habe ich endlich wieder mal ein Vorstellungsgespraech, und eine Arbeit. Ich freue mich nicht nur wegen dem Job, auch ueber die Firma und das Gehalt. Ich freue mich so und kann gar nicht mehr bis Montag warten. Drueckt mir die Daumen.
Mehr ueber meinen Montag!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy birthday Vivien


Happy Birthday, My Daughter
I will say this from my heart
You are a wonderful child
And my love will never depart

I wish for you all the happiness
And may all your wishes come true
I pray that you find love and joy
In everything you say and do

So I wish for you all the best
As you celebrate this special day
Please enjoy every moment
Because it's your birthday

Happy Birthday

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Our best Bread

E: Another try to make Bread without the bread making machine. This was our best bread so far.

Vn: Chung toi thu tu lam banh my. day la chiec banh ma toi hai long nhat

D: Ein erneuter Versuch, Brot ohne Brotmaschine zu backen. Das war unser bestes Brot bisher.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Veterans day

E: I enjoyed the Veterans day concert at my kids school, today. My best part was when Leo talked about his Heros. More pictures ...

Vn: Toi den coi bon nho hat o truong vao ngay Cuu Binh My. Toi thich nhat la luc Leo ke ve nguoi Heros cua Leo. Anh ne

D: Ich war beim Konzert anlaesslich des Veterans-day in der Shule meiner Kinder. Das bester war, als Leo ueber seinen Helden vorgetragen hatte. Photos ...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Birthday party

E: We joined Joshua on Sunday for his 7th birthday. Leo and Vivien played bowling there for the first time. They really had fun.

Vn: Chung toi den du sinh nhat Joshua tron 7 tuoi hom Chu Nhat. Leo va Vivien choi bowling lan nay la lan dau tien. Chung that su rat vui.

D: Am Sonntag waren wir bei Joshuas siebenter Geburstagfeier. Leo and Vivien bowlten zum ersten Mal. Die beiden hatten viel Spass.